Perth Hearing & Tinnitus Clinic

Based in Osborne Park, Western Australia, Perth Hearing & Tinnitus Clinic is an independent audiology practice owned and operated by respected audiologists Bev Eintracht and Tennille Crooks.

As members of Audiology Australia and Independent Audiologists Australia, we are committed to providing evidence-based ethical audiological practice and a professional and comprehensive service, within a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.

Our aim is to empower individuals with hearing concerns, tinnitus distress and/or sound tolerance issues to improve their quality of life, and to connect our clients to what they value most.

We take a holistic approach to your care, sometimes in collaboration with other health professionals, with the aim of improving your overall wellbeing.

Why it’s important to address hearing loss

The Independent Audiologists Association highlights six key factors, which explain why it’s important to address hearing loss, sooner rather than later.

Increases energy

If a person has an untreated hearing loss, they often use lot of energy to listen each day. Appropriately fitted hearing aids and good communication strategies can reduce that effort, and free up energy to be used elsewhere.

Improves communication

Untreated hearing loss, which may gradually deteriorate over years, can lead to withdrawal from social situations. Eventually, it becomes easier to stay at home than to attend a function, which can lead to long-term isolation and loneliness. Strong social connections, laughter, exercise, and activity have been shown to keep the brain young.

Saves relationships

Hearing loss becomes a “third party” disability for friends and family of the person with a hearing loss, which over years, can lead to frustration and disconnection.

Improves employment

Hearing loss may have a negative impact on promotions, safety in the workplace and job security. Hearing aids have been shown to mitigate loss of income due to hearing loss by 90%-100% for people with mild hearing loss, and 65%-77% for people with moderate to severe hearing losses (Kochkin, 2010).

Provides relief from tinnitus

If tinnitus presents with a hearing loss, appropriately fitted hearing aids can reduce, and in some cases completely eliminate, the perception of the tinnitus. There are also devices that combine a hearing aid and a noise generator in a single unit, and these can provide the benefits of both.

Improves quality of life

Untreated hearing loss can lead to isolation over the long term. Depression can follow. Research has shown that wearing appropriately fitted hearing aids and adopting communication strategies can help improve the social and emotional impact of hearing loss, as well as increase communication and decrease self-reports of depressive symptoms.


Our Address:

3/134 Main Street Osborne Park WA
